Workshop Proposal: Neurorobotics @ ICRA 2020

Artificial Intelligence is a pervasive societal subject, but it tends to be forgotten that AI is partly based on neuroscience applied to artificial systems, especially robots. Knowledge acquired in neuroscience allows us to endow robots with new learning mechanisms for the generation of complex movements or behaviors for autonomous robots or robots interacting with humans. Neurorobotics is the combined study of neuroscience, biology, robotics, and artificial intelligence, it concerns embodied autonomous neural systems.

Unfortunately, knowledge in neuroscience, biology, robotics tends to be compartmentalized and collaboration proves to be scarce. 


The aim of the workshop is to gather young and senior researchers working on neuroscience and/or robotics and to foster discussion on current and future challenges of robotics, notably humanoid robotics or bio-inspired robotics.

The workshop will focus on neuro-inspired robot control and particularly on motion generation from neural signals.


The program will be divided into invited (45 min) and contributed talks (20 min). We will also have an interactive session. Please see our call for participation.


More Information Coming Soon!